
Paris, What There Is To Love

Through your mind’s-eye take a walk with me. Put on a pair of comfy runners and let your eyes feast on the streets of Paris. This visual palette just might tempt you (if you’ve never been to France) to imagine yourself there, to make a French treat, or to remind you of what you miss and love about Paris. Several years ago, my sudden… Read More


Visual Literacy: The Art of Awakening

“The heart can understand something deeper than the mind, but Zen is far deeper than the heart. The heart can be just an overnight stay. While you are going towards your being, your heart, your art, your music, your dance, your poetry, your painting, your sculpture, can be just one night’s halt. But you have to go deeper. You have to reach to the… Read More


Photograph of Transmission

“The true seeing is when there is no seeing.” – Shen Hui (670-762), Chinese monk, founder of Japan Heze Zen Buddhist School   The first time a silver print by Paul Caponigro (born1932, American photographer) crossed my path in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the image held me in place as I grew ever so gently, ever so tenderly receptive to its sincerity and purity… Read More

Copyrighted Image Amirrorself.com