
Photograph of Transmission

“The true seeing is when there is no seeing.” – Shen Hui (670-762), Chinese monk, founder of Japan Heze Zen Buddhist School   The first time a silver print by Paul Caponigro (born1932, American photographer) crossed my path in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the image held me in place as I grew ever so gently, ever so tenderly receptive to its sincerity and purity…
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Contemplative Photography

In mid-April, I started Christine Valters Paintner’s Eyes of the Heart, a six week online retreat that considers photography as a contemplative practice. The practice involves a form of meditation, using images as a basis of acknowledging and recognizing divine presence. Through photographs we witness the reality of this energetic force that vibrates in the ordinary and the everyday things we fail to see…
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Nalanda Miksang

Nalanda Miksang What is this flash of perception that most photographers overlook? How does it arise or occur? How do we look at the world from a different point of view to capture the essence in the thing itself, and express something beyond the commonplace and the ordinary in an image?   The flash of perception changes the way we observe the world.  …
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Copyrighted Image Amirrorself.com