Yes it’s true. I sleep with my deck. At times I sleep with one card. But usually the whole deck. Why?

I love the company of my cards. To gaze on their faces is to accept every part of myself. Each card, whether Light or Shadow offers me the freedom to acknowledge my being who I am. It’s a tender sentiment that arises whenever I make eye-contact with the image.

I love my cards. I never thought I would hear myself say so. Yet I love the images and how they resonate with me and with each other.

I believe the power behind each card has to do with the element of possibility. A state that stretches towards infinity and is seen without end. The essence of what is possible created from a note of growth, fruition, and affirmation that even my Shadow cards can’t deny change.

No one else has a deck like mine. No one else understands their meaning. This is what makes SoulCollage® unique, personal, intimately my own. To have someone use, interpret, claim an image of mine as theirs, I’d consider that a violation of my person, my privacy.

Sleeping with my deck tucked under my pillow, these images commune with me on a transpersonal level. A level I connect with via meditation, dreams, intuitively, psychically; influencing my relationships, and impacting the decisions I make while awake.

These images and their metaphorical meanings are guides. And in this world, who doesn’t value a wisdom-guide’s light on a dark road ahead; especially if the wisdom-guide comes from your Higher Self.

SoulCollage® doesn’t rely on an outside source to communicate. There’s no pamphlet describing what each card means. You are the writer and the director of your life. No one else knows you better.

The idea is to trust and look within. Making the images on your cards help you to tune in and align yourself to that knowing, that frequency. The frequency of awareness that refers to the Source, the Soul Essence, and the Witness, cards that do not speak.

The Source represents the creator force, where all manifestation forms and all of it returns. The Soul Essence card represents the spirit connection every human being and sentient being shares with Source. The Witness card represents consciousness, the non-judgmental observer, who witnesses but doesn’t interfere.

These 3 cards are always present during a reading. Their message made loud and clear through archetypes, and the voice you give to your card.

The voice? Start with the phrase: I Am the One who… And speak from the card. Listen for the moments when you disconnect. When you start describing what the images represent instead of using the card’s voice, letting it tell you what it means, what it offers.

Don’t assume you know beforehand. Focus. Quiet the chattering mind. Allow the images to transmit what arises to consciousness. Keep a journal on your nightstand, note what the card offers, and consider your experience as you write.

Some nights find me feeling lonely or at times afraid, and this is when I reach for my deck. Sometimes I choose a card. Sometimes I don’t. The mere holding soothes and consoles as I feel their presence meditating me. If you’re a meditator you know what I mean when I say I’m being meditated on.

My deck, my comfort, a gift on the nights I imagine I’m alone when I’m not.


Top Tip: To befriend my cards means I befriend myself. copyright material. Ivette Ebaen, 2016.

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